Thursday, January 29, 2009

I think I've earned a troll...

This is so fucking exciting, everyone. It really proves that I'm making my mark on the net. And not just a shit-stain mark on the fish-net underoos this time! If you check the comment section of the previous post you will see what I am talking about.

I like to think I have somehow earned this troll rather than him just happening upon my blog by chance.

But then again, self depreciating comments occur quite often in this blog so I suppose this is really a compliment and not trollish behavior at all.

A compliment so important that it had to be typed three times. It's like a triumverant of compliments. "BORING!" he says. A blog so boring that he attempts to post his comment not once, not twice, but THREE times (before the moron realized that his comments needed to await approval).

I love the interwebs. But I love the idiots who get on the interwebs even more.

Troll on, you crazy diamond. I look forward to your return.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about that. It is indirectly my fault. I was talking to some guys about the 'other' site. One of them took it upon himself to dis you on your blog. I told him it was unaceptable. It'll not happen again.


11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't expect you to publish this. This is me to you. You know that I do not troll, though I understand that it is in your interests to 'stay in the fold' and maintain that I do. I am not into gratuitous insults. I do defend myself and my opinions with facts and quotes. You cannot quote me insulting anyone. Yet as you know, plenty, including you have insulted me. I don't mind the insults. They haven't been particularly nasty or have any real malice behind them. Quite tame in fact. It's the double standards.
And after all, what did I 'really' say?
I politely held a mirror up and was assassinated for it.
I know that you don't think a lot of politeness but it does serve a perpose (no not to be snide (thank you!)), it enables people to wholeheartedly disagree and still be able to hear each other.

12:40 AM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...

Oh, one more note. The "troll on you crazy diamond" was just in case it was you. More of a stab in the dark than an assumption. If it was you I was hoping you'd get goosebumps, if it wasn't you I was hoping it would just sound clever.

5:51 AM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...

QZ, no worries. Despite your accusations, I don't edit people's posts. (nor do I delete them, unless it's porn I'll usually publish it here too) Save the one time, in which I did because you were antagonizing the shit out of everyone with your multiple accounts that were being created just to continue stirring up the pot.

No need to be upset with Trolly McTrollerton, or to apologize for him/her. I had the option to delete the comment (thrice typed, which I found entertaining because i assumed it was a blogger who should have known about the option to approve comments) or publish it. I chose to publish it. He/she is welcome to come back and troll again, I enjoy mocking them.

Maybe you just lack tact? I don't know.I'm not sure what sort of reaction you were hoping for when you began to repeatedly link to a negative review of the site that was published nearly two years ago, (the reviewer later retracted everything and is an active member of the site); but there's no way you were expecting us to bust out the champagne.

Or maybe that's just how your magical mirror of politeness works?

And though you claim to be some sort of martyr in all of this, insisting that you're polite and aren't "into gratuitous insults" you begin your comment on my blog with "I don't expect you to publish this". What the fuck? You were also going on and on about people editing your comments over on the site.

Is that the polite mirror talking again?

I'm not gonna point a finger and say you were trying to stir shit up; but what the fuck were you doing? Please by all means, explain yourself so that I can edit your post and twist your words around. (that last sentence was pure sarcasm).

Now, honestly, I have no fucking problem with you. You, and anyone else, is welcome to start a new account on plime and begin anew. Or not. I don't think anyone cares either way. Honestly, if you hadn't posted here I would have forgotten about you. (no offense)

Before I replied, I jumped back over to that review on marginalized and saw your most recent post. If jax hasn't gotten back to you; the idea of only the creators editing the post sort of goes against one of the key ideas of that site. Typos, bad links, lack of images, pornographic images, spam, and that sort of thing can be fixed by the community. Just deleting it would be pretty crappy for a new user who made a mistake, as they would be banned otherwise. Generally, people get second, third, and fourth chances over there. It all depends on the attitude.

Stop pretending that you were stabbed in the back, or however you've percieved the whole experience. If you really want to be reflective about it, whip out that crazy polite mirror and think about how you may have influenced the reactions you recieved. The first time you brought it up you were quickly shut down, not banned, just downvoted and asked/told to cut it out. Yet you continued. Again and again. It was as though you found a hot button and just couldn't resist pushing it over and over again. Like a little brother who was delighted to have found a new way to annoy his older sibling(s).

You can't serve cocktails and get pissed off that people are getting drunk, man.

Whatever you do in life, interweb or the real world; I hope that you figure out how to take verbal and non-verbal cues as to what is and is not welcomed behavior.

"Peace, love, and happiness. Yeah, happiness." - Jimi Hendrix

6:23 AM  

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