Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Walking Cool

You know how sometimes you're walking with a really cool swagger? You know, just struttin'... But then you bump into something, trip or stumble? And there's that moment when you aren't sure what you should do next?

I think it's important to keep moving with the cool walk. That way anyone who turned their head at that moment and didn't see how lame you are... They would still think you're cool.

And the other people would think "Man, that's the coolest clumsy person I've ever seen."

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Anonymous Quixote-Grey said...

Your "Walking Cool" piece is quite prophetic.

Here's a friendly troll, despite saying he wouldn't, giving you the opportunity.

Publish this:

The following can be found in context at

It occured to me after posting (A bit slow, I know. What can I say; I'm getting old) my reference to:


that you can't really check out what passes for opinion/arguement/debate there. It is after all censored (my pet hate, censorship). And, as has been said, you cannot read what has been removed or censored.

When I first visited donteatpoop's blog I thought 'well, it is what it is' (judge for yourselves (in as much as you now can)). But above the crass crudity it had a strong sense of honesty. Of integrity. He published others comments even if and when they were at odds with his own.

He now allows (which is not a problem so far as I am concerned) his friend and follow subprimate to say of me:

"Bloke didn't get enough love from Mum.

Bloke was forced to school with Davey Jones lunch pale.

Bloke blames others for shortcomings

Bloke becomes narcissistic.

Bloke isn't even British."

But then goes on to censors me saying that if he censors me he is as bad as Plime.

I am a little disappointed. Seriously, I mean it. I don't know why I should be, only that I am.

I thought, Ben, that beyond your bigmouth and bull****, you were somehow quite genuine. And that you were not running with the mob for the reason that most do. To stay on side. From a 'at least while we are all kicking him no one is kicking me' mentality. But were, rather, defending something that you didn't see as all that bad. Even if you were wrong and your defence of it was vulgar.

I noticed also that when you said on your blog:

"I've decided to stop publishing Quixnote-Grey's comments as he is stuck on one topic and will not move from it. He continues to attempt to antagonize and act like a bitch and I've decided that I'm uninterested in putting up with it anymore."

That you didn't provide a link to here so that anyone reading your blog could judge for themselves wether I was/am in fact continuing to "antagonize and act like a bitch" or rather defending my opinions in the face personal abuse.

Honesty and integrity! You can't buy them!

11:58 AM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...

I'll allow this one.

I don't need to link it QZ, it's my fucking blog and I get to choose what I publish and what I don't.

The FACT is that I asked you to drop it several times and you have not. Still haven't as a matter of fact.

So, one final time; cut it out. Go troll somewhere else. This "plime wronged you" is old news, and inaccurate from most people's points of view. You're entitled to your opinion, but I ask AGAIN that you not bring it up here anymore. You've had more than your say on it.

No be cool or go away.

3:35 PM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...

Accidentally deleted a comment, hit the wrong damn button. Glad I didn't check mark both of them. I could go back and read it though, so I copy/pasted it.

From Quixote-Grey:

I thought I read you right. You can tell a lot fro... I thought I read you right. You can tell a lot from a picture.

May I say, with no condescension nor sarcasm, bloody well done.

Wishing you well,

8:37 PM  

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