Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Deep End

If I filled the tub up to my knees,
Would you please
Dunk me down
Until I drown?
Let me forget everything.

If I made a cut accross my wrist,
Would you insist
I used some ice
To numb the slice?
You never seem to get the gist.

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Blogger Unknown said...

upon your last request,
I do detest
a decision for incision.
and insist that
as sun rises for start of day,
as does depression set.
It is a fact that we adapt,
to carry on each day.
To mourn and pour our sorrows,
the brim, it does climax.
The glass does fill,
as do we,
lest our faithful eyes do flood.
From our tears comes purity
sanctity, expression.

But this glass we hold so close, to catch all our fears,
is but an hourglass,
counting down the years.
Eternally it turns itself,
propelled by weight of gloom,
but in the end, with love we find,
not doom,
but balance.

Hang in there man.

6:08 PM  

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