Friday, September 28, 2007

Things to do when I get old.

*Purchase black socks and plad shorts. Wear black socks to knees, call shorts "short-pants".

*Yell at people for stepping on my lawn, everytime someone steps on my lawn.

*Cup hand to ear when people speak to me. Yell "Heh?" instead of while cupping hand to ear. Repeat if necessary.

*Make people pull my finger.

*Bitch about how easier the younger generations have it.

*Talk loudly about embarassing medical conditions.

*Tell children scary stories.

*Pretend I know older famous people, tell long and overly complex stories of the time I've spent with them.

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Blogger Richard said...

If I am already doing some of those does that make me "kinda old"?

4:26 PM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...

That or you're just "ahead of your time".

11:23 PM  

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