Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Today was kind of random

Today was an interesting day.

I slept in a little; which was good because I felt a little better rested but was also bad because I was a few minutes late for work. I pulled into the work parking lot and my jacket sleeve got caught on my pants button and ripped the button off (that's what happened, by the way; my belly didn't cause it to burst or anything i swear). I put the button in my back pocket and tightened my belt a bit hoping that it would compensate for and cover up my missing button.

Then I went to work, up the elevator and in the doors; to my desk undetected by the boss. Certainly that was lucky. What was even more fortunate was what I noticed in the restroom mirror, the absense of my top button was thankfully unnoticable due to my enormous gut hanging over the belt line just enough to cover the button area.

Turns out a client was visiting today, so my massive girth really is fortunate with the whole button thing. I got to go to olive garden with them on company expense, and that was awesome.

I got 'stuffed chicken somthing'. There were two 'stuffed chicken somethings' on the menu, but I got the one I could pronounce. I figured I would be able to remember it since I could pronounce it, but as I told my wife what it was I realised that I had forgotten. As fate would have it, she knew the meal I was speaking of and named it right off; having seen it advertised on the television.

That's when I explained to her what I have already explained to her; that I had chosen one I could pronounce in the hopes of remembering the name it but having forgotten just that, and about how coincidental it was that she should know the name of it.

After that I came over here to post it on my blog, only to realize that I have again forgotten the name of it. I am certain that it is "stuffed chicken something", but as I have mentioned; there are two 'stuffed chicken somethings' on the list and I don't remember either of them.

If you go to Olive Garden, have the 'stuffed chicken something' that is easy to pronounce.

So I go to the fridge only to discover that my wife bought some St. Pauli Girl and stocked the fridge with them so that they were nice and cold for me when I got home.

Except that the beer in the refridgerator thing didn't actually happen. I made that part up to mask the pain that I feel because this has never happened to me. The conclusion of the day utterly destroyed what had been an otherwise wonderful adventure.

Honey, if you read this... Please buy me some beer and stock the fridge with it. If you won't give me head, at least give me beer.


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Blogger MeanMrMustard said...

Stuffed Chicken Marsala. Write it down.

3:18 PM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...

You're right! That's what it was too. Thanks, MMM. It was good by the way.

3:35 PM  

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