Saturday, June 09, 2007

The Caps Dilemma

So let's say the keyboard you are typing on has some sort of malfunction where the shift keys don't work...

Which would you do?

WRITE IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS VIA CAPS LOCK? or write in all lower case letters?

Right now I face that exact predicament. You see, my parents keyboard has no funcioning shift keys. I don't know what the hell they did to it, but let me tell you it sucks. If only my piece of shit computer on dial-up at home could access this fucking blog1 [-- =Pretend that brackett-dash-dash is an arrow pointing to the numberal one so that I can point out that it's supposed to be an exclamation point. Also pretend that the equal signs are parenthesis.=

I have to hit CAPS LOCK when I need to capitalize anything, and I actually have the question mark copied from a webpage so that I can paste it in at the end of a sentence if I need it.

It sucks.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Th only thing wors than that is spilling cok on your kyboard and having on of the kys stick. I'll lt you guss which on that is.

Grat Post!

2:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

but could you manage without a space bar?

10:50 PM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...

spilling cock on your keyboard, bandit? that's just sick. what is that, like a money shot for nerds?

1:55 PM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...


3:31 AM  

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