Saturday, January 05, 2008

Keep in touch

People move away. It's inevitable, especially in the area where I live. So we promise to keep in touch.

The method of course, is e-mail.

But what happens? Rarely is any actual correspondence shared. It's all jokes and videos and chain-mail.

What kind of fucked up attempt at retaining contact with friends is that?

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Blogger Unknown said...

Man, I know how you feel. My best friend moved away and our friendship is just a trickling faucet of the river it used to be. I mean I really try to keep it going, but she's changed over there, and I guess I just couldn't do enough from hundreds of miles away.

4:06 AM  
Blogger JP said...

I know exactly what you're saying. Next time I'm in town, we'll grab a beer or something.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know Justin and Katie?

I forget their last name but Katie's maiden name is Woodruff, her family has a garage I think.

I'm not sure how old you are.. Katie probably graduated highschool in 1999, or 98. Justin, I'm not too sure.. He kinda looked like a young Leo Dicaprio, used to play baseball, until he hurt his foot... and.. um i think went to The U of Miami OH.

Just curious.

5:40 AM  
Blogger donteatpoop said...

I can't tell if you're fucking with me or being serious, anonymous.

I've known a few Justins and a lot of Katies; but not at the same time.

The earth has made its way around the sun 28 times since I was born.

4:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Absolutely loathe those chain mails. I tell people to write me something significant, or don't write at all. I get enough crap e-mail as it is.

They still send them.


/End rant

3:20 PM  

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