Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Vikings did not discover America

Last night my daughter and I were watching TV when a commercial for Thor came on. I asked her if she knew who Thor was and she said "yeah, he's a super hero." She had no concept of the mythology so I tried to explain it to her by asking if she knew who the Vikings were. She said "Yes, they lived a long time ago and spoke funny."

So then I explained how they would pillage and sail and how they discovered America a long time before anyone else. But she said "That's not true dad. The Vikings didn't discover America... Johnny Appleseed discovered America.

I told her to make sure she studied a lot in school.

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Charcoal to Gas

Today my wife said "I want to get a gas grill this summer. I know we always say that we prefer the taste of the charcoal, but do you know what charcoal is made of these days? Burned wood and gas."

"What did you think charcoal was made of before?" I asked her.

"The stuff that takes millions of years to form in the earth."

"You thought we were cooking with coal?"

I'm gonna talk her into woodchips instead of gas.