Friday, October 31, 2008

In search of a beer store

I was away on business this weekend and checked on for some good local beer stops. I found a grocer (ACME) listed that supposedly had good a selection, it also had the same name as the company that sells all the stuff that Wile E Coyote orders, so I decided to go.

I left the hotel and drove the ten minutes or so in search of the place, realizing after the first two minutes that I had to pee. By the time I got there it became apparent that I had to pee really really bad.

Given my bladder I decided that I would hit up the restroom first and relieve myself. But I couldn't find it. I had to try and avoid pinching it off by hand and just did my best with mind-over-matter; but there were a few times I grabbed my junk and held it for a bit. I tried to time it for when no one was around to see, but the last time some woman saw me and got this disturbed look on her face like she thought as about to whip it out and smack her in the face with it.

So I mumbled "I have to pee" and moved past her. Everytime I saw an employee they were super busy and couldn't help me, but eventually I found two women seated at a table in the candy section (which isn't far from the beer section). They were like "Hi, are you here for your flew shot?" and I said "No, I'm here because I have to pee and I can't find the bathroom and some lady saw me touch my penis and thought I was a pervert but I was only grabbing it so that I didn't pee all over everybody."

Then they said "the restrooms are right over there," and pointed at an area that was less than ten feet away. So I went peed. I gotta tell you, it was one of the most magical times in my life. The unrine just kept pouring out, tears welled up in my eyes... I must have stood there for five minutes letting the piss flow.

When I was done, I shook three times, washed my hands, and walked over to the beer section.'

Then I found the beer. They really did have a good selection, a lot of micro brews were available. The wine selection was pretty awesome too, divided by country and vintage. I was really pleased, and if I'm ever in the area again I'll go back. (but I'll be peeing before I leave)

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Saturday, October 11, 2008


Sometimes when I go to hit the period button at the end of a sentence I also hit the back-slash button. I don't know if that changes the punctuation or not, but sometimes I wonder if I'm not somehow offending someone from a different culture in which "./" means something really vulgar, mean, and nasty. If that is the case, I'd like to take this opportunity to say "fuck you you filthy bastard./"

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Oh that's right, I have a blog.

Sorry about that, I totally forgot about this thing.

We have a little baby boy living with us now. He's cute as hell but he wakes us up a lot and I don't get the sleep that I used to. So that's my excuse.

Anyway, I'm gonna try and update this thing at least once a week.

Even if it's a really lame update with no real entertainment value such as this one.
